
  Core Concepts
Anesthesia Review, LLC




We are pleased to be currently offering three Practice Exams as well as several Topic Exams and Sample Exam. We strongly recommend that you review our Frequently Asked Questions page before purchasing any Practice or Topic Exams.

In keeping with our goal of offering computerized exams that give hands-on experience in computerized exam taking and closely simulate the environment of the CRNA boards, we have updated our Practice Exams. The Practice Exams now offer the new question types, including Multiple Choice, Multiple Correct Response (MCR), Drag-&-Drop, Calculation and HotSpot questions, as described in the Candidate Handbook, published by the NBCRNA. You can find more information about any of our exams by following the links below.

Our course manual is also available. This recently updated 600+ page manual is the same as used in our review courses. You can get a more detailed description of each exam as well as sample pages from the Course Manual by using the links below.

We look forward to helping you with your board preparation.  Please check back with us soon as we will be expanding our line of board preparation products.

Discount Exam Packages
Product Description Price
Board Prep
3 Practice Exams plus Equipment
 and Professional Aspects Exam
Practice Exam Package 3 Practice Exams $99.95
SEE Prep Package 5 Topic-Specific Exams Designed to
Prepare the SRNA for the SEE Exam
Complete Exam Package 3 Practice Exams plus
all 9 Topic-Specific Exams

Individual Exams
Product Description Price
Sample Exam 5-Question Sample Exam Free
Practice Exam 1 125-Question Practice Board Exam $49.95
Practice Exam 2 125-Question Practice Board Exam $49.95
Practice Exam 3 125-Question Practice Board Exam $49.95
Anatomy, Regional, Positioning Exam 75-Question Exam covering anatomy,
regional anesthesia and patient positioning
75-Question Exam covering cardiovascular anatomy,
physiology and anesthetic implications
Endocrine, Hepatic
70-Question Exam covering aspects of the endocrine
system and hepatic anatomy & physiology
Equipment &
Monitoring Exam
100-Question Exam covering the physics &
chemistry of equipment and patient monitoring
Fluids &
Transfusion Exam
100-Question Exam covering fluid & electrolyte management, blood-product management and coagulation $21.95
100-Question Exam covering physiology and anesthetic management of obstetrical and pediatric patients $21.95
100-Question Exam covering the pharmacology of
inhaled and intravenous anesthetics and adjuvants
Aspects Exam
75-Question Exam covering legal issues, practice
management issues and statistics in anesthesia
Pulmonary &
Thoracic Exam
75-Question Exam covering pulmonary anatomy and
physiology & the anesthetic management of thoracic cases

Product Description Price
Course Manual 700+ Page Manual covering the "Content Outline"
of the Certification Exam as described in the
Candidates Handbook, published by the NBCRNA. Fully updated with expanded color graphics
+ S/H

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